about me

hi im macker2008 (im using my old roblox user teehee). i draw (kinda) and like to listen to some music (whatever cds i find in thrift stores). Its currently 2:09am as i write this and my vision is fading! please ignore the fact that i have not worked on the other pages like at all, i promise i will probably someday idk.

What is the purpose of this site?

I really want to draw more often like i used to do. So i thought that the stress of having an empty website just out there would hopefully force me to do so hahahahhahahahahahha

not that i want to have to force myself because i do actually like art, im just so incredibly lazy that i dont pursue any of my passions hahahhhahahahhahahahha

every day i lose part of my humanity hahahahahahhahahah

sleepy kitty gasp kitty


free sandwich